Our Angels were kept busy over the Easter weekend. The Good Friday ‘Walk of Witness’ which processes from the rotunda by the Friary centre up to Holy Trinity in the High street, stopping at the Clock tower for prayers, readings and reflections along with Easter music, was led by Noelle Coe our Chaplain. The event is jointly run by churches in Guildford and surrounding villages. Amongst the readers were Will, a Street Angel and Anne our Community Angel coordinator. Around 300 people shared this significant and moving event.
Our usual Street Angel teams kept watch over the town on Easter Friday and Easter Saturday nights. Some of Angels even made it up to St Martha’s where an Easter morning sunrise service was held. This was a particular challenge for some, as the clocks changed that day and the service began at 6am! Those who did make it were treated to tea, coffee and hot cross buns after the service which were greatly appreciated by the congregation.