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We have been delighted over recent months to have been given such positive affirmation of the work our volunteer Angels do week in week out. As way of illustration here are three recent messages we have received:

“I just wanted to drop you a message to thank you for (Street Angels) looking after my son last night! I can’t express my gratitude enough, what a wonderful job you all did, who knows what would have happened to him had it not been for the care from you and your team!! He is now ok, not much recollection of the evening but we have managed to retrieve his coat complete with all his

belongings from the “five and lime” pub, how very lucky he was all round last night!!!

Thank you again and please pass my thanks to your colleagues!!” A.

We can’t thank you enough for your help, god only knows what would’ve happened to him if you and your (Street Angel) team weren’t there. Thank you again”, H

Community Angels continues to be busy, with referrals coming regularly from new sources as word of our service spreads through the borough. Our fantastic volunteers offer befriending to adults of all ages who struggle with loneliness and social isolation. It can make so much difference, not just to our client, but to those around them, when someone gives their time and a listening ear, as this quote from a recent client shows:

I am in a much better place now that I am coming to the end of my support with a [Community Angels] volunteer. At the beginning of this year I was at my wits end and it is amazing for me to look back and see how much happier I am now. You have matched me with someone with whom I could connect. She has a lovely nature and is very wise with great energy. It has really helped that we have so much in common and we are on the same wavelength. She has just been so understanding and really listened to what I have to say. I have found that really settling. While physically things have not changed for me, she has helped me see things dierently and breaks things down into smaller steps so things feel more manageable. Because I have been able to ooad with my problems, it has given me the space to be able to give back and give time to my neighbours. Because I have been listened to, I feel I can now listen to them.”