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Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy invites you to a conference

Spiritual Conversations with people with no religious background”

At: St Saviours Church, Woodbridge Road, Guildford GU1 4QD

Time: 9.30am registration and coffee, then from 10.00am – 1.00pm, followed by a sandwich lunch.

Speaker: Helen Watts

 Come prepared to be inspired, encouraged and connect with others 
·       For those interested in, exploring, involved or supporting others in chaplaincy.
·       Explore the universal nature of spirituality
·       Discover different models of helping others connect with their own spirituality
·       Reflect on how you can nurture your own spiritual journey
Please share this invitation with others who may also be interested in attending.

We are not charging for this event but if you would like to give a donation to GTCC it would be much appreciated. Please do so by clicking the link to our CAF account here. There will also be a card reader available on the day.


We are privileged to have Helen lead us for this event.

Helen Watts has worked as a Chaplain for Wellbeing in Primary Care since 2016. As well as working with patients, she supports staff, supervises other chaplains and is involved in helping to develop chaplaincy services around the country. She has a B. Phil in Counselling and worked for many years as a counsellor in the public and private sectors, including Primary Care, and in private practice. She is a trainer, specialising in stress management, pastoral care and wellbeing. She is one of the trainers for ACGP, co-designing and delivering both foundational training for primary healthcare chaplains, and CPD opportunities. Helen is a retired church pastor who travels widely around the world to help train others for pastoral and spiritual care ministry.  

Best wishes,
Susanna Hoar Volunteer Chaplains Project Coordinator – Mondays and Tuesdays Community Angels Project Support – Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays